Saturday 4 September 2010


So last month myself and Kirsty were rather excited to be invited back by boutique shop "Oxygen" to redesign their shop window, ready for their Autumn/Winter range. After endless brainstorming of Autumnal icons and designs and then redesigns (no umbrellas allowed due to superstition), we finally all agreed that a whirlwind of leaves and kites would fit beautifully in the window.

We were working to a pretty tight schedule this time, as the window needed to be installed for a shopping event being held at the store, but nevertheless, we managed to ink and paint our way to the finish line!

We were really pleased with the outcome, and may even prefer it to our previous design, although we can't quite decide! The main criteria from the shop owner was that it needed to be Autumnal, but not dreary or gloomy. I think we have definately achieved this, and equally as pleased with all the great feedback from customers and passers-by. Success!

Now to start thinking about what to do for the Christmas display...

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