Tuesday 23 November 2010

TRACES-Personal Trace

Responding to a brief to explore the notion of the trace. An area I began to explore was the idea of personalisation as a human trace. I have selected a triptych from a series of photos I took, to emphasise the unusual habit of ordering belongings in a particular way.

Sunday 21 November 2010


Another example of something that's been in the making for a while. These are little hand embroidered buttons. I bought the buttons from a lovely lady on this website http://stores.coverbuttons.net/StoreFront.bok. They are pretty easy to make, although require quite a bit of force to get the fabric to stay in place. Now I just need to make some simple packaging for them and hope that people buy them!

The Eagle Has Landed

These are something I've been working on for a little while now, but only really got round to making them over the summer holidays. I was inspired while watching Eagle Vs. Shark and some gold shimmery fabric my friend gave me, which I've used for the beak. The feathers are left unsewn at the edges so they have a bit of a fluttery feel. Should be selling these at my next craft stall, whenever that will be!

Saturday 6 November 2010


Inspired by my previous cross-stitch portrait I decided to try my hand at making my own pattern. Susan Boyle is a bit of an icon for me and my housemates, so I downloaded a photo of her and created a grid to follow. Some parts of the grid were quite hard to follow as some squares overlapped but I think the overall image is recognizable which is the main thing! Just need to start thinking about who I'm going to stitch next.